Wednesday, February 7, 2018

4 Ways to Show You’re Ready to Become a Manager

In many companies the path to the executive suite leads through a management job, and even if you don’t aspire to become a CEO, moving into a management role can be a great career move, leading to additional opportunities along the way.

If you’re interested in making the leap from regular employee to supervisor or manager consider the following steps to show you’re ready for the move.

Excel in your current work. There is no point in aspiring to a promotion to management if you’re not doing a great job in your current position. It can be easy to rationalize and make excuses: I’d be excellent at my work if only I could get promoted to manager. This position doesn’t suit my strengths. That may be true but you will not get an opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills without first demonstrating excellence along the way, even while performing the most insignificant of tasks. If you wish to become a manager commit yourself to excellence today. 

Oversee a cross-functional team. A good way to demonstrate effective leadership and management skills is to take the initiative and offer to lead a cross-functional team or project. This will provide you with good practice in management, dealing with a diverse range of personalities, and collaborating to see a project through to its conclusion.

Demonstrate good communication skills. Good managers are good at communicating and in order to move into a management position you need to learn how to communicate clearly and effectively: in person, over the phone, and by email. Good communicators are good at listening and really hearing what others say, in order to support them well. You will never be ready more management (or be a good manager) if you haven’t mastered the art of communication and active listening.

Practice serving others. The best leaders and managers are not in it to make a name for themselves or to bring attention to their own efforts. They seek to build up others around them, to develop the strengths of the members of their team, and to support their staff to meet the goals of the team. The best managers are focused on others and look to lead by serving them.

Turn your attention to these areas and your company might just tap you for the next management position that comes available.

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