Wednesday, October 4, 2017

3 Ways Our Words Sabotage Our Success

The language we use and ways we speak can significantly impact our well-being and our chances for success. Our words inform both our view of ourselves and our view of the people around us.

Therefore, it is important to evaluate how we speak to ourselves and how our words might be inhibiting our happiness and success in our life and career.

Let’s consider three ways we sabotage ourselves with our language.

I can’t. When we use the words “I can’t” we immediately make it nearly impossible for us to overcome a challenge, whether we’re suggesting that we can’t change or can’t learn a new skill or can’t get in better physical condition or can’t overcome our fears … we are right. By saying “I can’t” we’ve confirmed in our minds that we cannot be successful. In fact, there is no point in saying the words “I can’t” aloud. Once those words have become part of the way you think of yourself you’ve already handcuffed your opportunities.

But. Once you start adding the word “but” into a sentence you’re qualifying or minimizing the statement made previously, and avoiding full responsibility. ‘I would have completed the project on schedule but our developers were delayed” or “I could manage this project but Robert has more time available right now.” Using the word “but” prevents you from taking ownership over yourself, a project, and your career.

They or he or she. When you develop a habit of talking about other people you run into the possibility that you are gossiping about them, seeking to minimize their achievements in order to boost your ego, or comparing your performance with theirs. None of these ways of thinking or speaking about other people can benefit your or your career. You will develop a reputation as a gossip who cannot be trusted, will develop a habit of putting others down or failing to recognize their achievements, or will unnecessarily criticize yourself because you believe your accomplishments are not as significant as those around you.

To be successful in your life and career watch the words you say, both aloud and to yourself. Avoid claims that you can’t accomplish your goals, take full responsibility for yourself and don’t minimize your actions, and make an effort to compare yourself with no one else.

Focus on positive and encouraging words that build you up and strengthen those around you.

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