Wednesday, December 21, 2016

4 Things to Bring to Your Next Job Interview to Set You Apart

You've been called in for that job interview you've been hoping for and have spent hours preparing for it. You've considered the questions you might be asked, identified your strengths, and role-played the interview with a friend.

Well, what else can you do to prepare and stand out?

Bring the following 5 things with you to your next job interview and you'll be sure to shine, even if you don't get the job.

1. A positive attitude. When you head out for the interview be optimistic and friendly. Greet everyone you meet at the company with a smile and a warm "hello". Meditate before the interview and repeat a positive mantra to yourself on your way to the interview, while you wait, and even during pauses in the interview. Simply repeating something simple like "I've got this" can boost your mood and help relax you for an effective interview.

2. Confidence. If you've spent some time preparing for the interview and you've brought a positive attitude then you should feel confident. Sit straight while waiting for the interview and don't fidget. Avoid staring at your phone or playing with a ring or other piece of jewelry. When in the interview room lean slightly forward to show interest in your interviewer and be sure to look them in the eye.

3. A compliment. Be prepared to share something you like about the company you're interviewing with. Demonstrate your knowledge of their work by complimenting a recent innovation, product launch, policy, or practice. But be sure to make it specific, accurate, and heart-felt.

4. Curiosity. Use this opportunity to learn everything you can about this possible employer. Pay attention to the place from the moment you arrive, observing the parking lot and landscaping. What does that tell you about the company? If they have a lobby, is there art work there or is it boring and sterile. Observe how the people dress and interact. You can learn a lot about a company by simply observing its employees converse and the design of the work place. Of course. bring your curiosity into the interview and ask relevant questions of the interviewer.

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