Friday, November 2, 2012

The Future of Work

The world of work is changing. Our ability to transform the world in which we work has endless potential. Here, we’ll explore several ways in which defines the future of work.

Getting off the Ladder
The workplace is changing so that the corporate ladder looks more like ”climbing vines.” This is evident at audit and risk management company, Deloitte, whose Mass Career Customization Program ties an employee’s career lattice, or path, to career goals and also life goals.  The Program enables employees to achieve better work-life balance by “dialing up” or “dialing down.”  For example, an employee may need to dial down by decreasing travel time in exchange for family time. Years later when kids are off to college, increased travel may become possible again. 

Women in Management
Women’s management style is proving to be good for business. According to a study of 353 Fortune 500 companies, conducted by Catalyst, companies employing more women in senior management roles had a higher return on equity. Other studies suggest this may be because women focus on the long-term, on results, and on more collaboration, while invoking a management style that is more engaging to employees. 

When Gen Y Runs the Show
Predictions suggest that, by 2019, Generation Y will be in charge in the workplace.Gen Y will work very differently than their parents did. Things like seniority and allegiance to one company won’t be as important to Gen Y. Instead, getting the job done and emphasizing collaborative decision making with global dexterity will take their place.

Boomers, who will still be in need of income, will be perfect for contract positions in their areas of expertise. In fact, job sharing at a senior level may be a trend in the future.

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