Monday, April 9, 2012

Lapsing v. Giving Up: A Primer for One's Career

For the benefit of our long-term health, my wife and I are completely changing our diet. Gone are the days of boxed macaroni and cheese (or "cheese-like powder," as I used to call it), fast-food restaurants, and processed food. In their place are organic fruits and veggies (beware the Dirty Dozen, however), whole-grains, and anything that isn't a "frankenfood." During such a transition (we went cold turkey), lapses back to old habits can it did for me this weekend as the temptation of such succulent Easter goodies (read: jelly beans) overrode my better judgment. I indulged mightily.

On the drive home from our holiday festivities, I thought about my behavior while, admittedly, nursing a slight stomach ache. I also thought about the recently published national jobless rate where-in March-it missed experts' estimates by only decreasing by 0.1%. What interested me beyond the numbers, though, was the news that people are still giving up finding work.

This baffles me while-at the same time-I can understand it. Being out of work can lead to many kinds of mental health/emotional disorders due to the stress that being jobless causes. Decreasing the stress is a must, but when you give up on something, you surrender your power to your circumstances.

Are you lapsing, or are you giving up? Ask yourself these questions:

How do my current activities support my long-term plan to find gainful employment?

What activities do I need to focus on now for the sake of my well-being?

What will I gain by giving up? What will I lose?

What am I empowering by giving up, and what am I disempowering?

The short-term pain of a lapse can lead to longer-term pains in your career if you don't tend to it. Reflect on your current situation and choose a path that leads to empowerment.

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