Monday, October 31, 2011

Job Seeking Errors Can Hinder Success

A job search can be extremely stressful, causing job seekers to act out of character as they vie for limited opportunities in the current job market. A job seeker’s personal financial situation—especially when unemployed—can also add to the pressure of trying to land a new job. These factors, and more, can cause you to make errors that can thwart your job search success.

Putting Someone on the Spot
Job seekers are encouraged to leverage networks, but that doesn’t mean putting someone on the spot. For example, don’t ask someone to endorse you professionally when that person has never worked with you. And, a social engagement is not the time to corner someone for professional assistance.

Be Reasonable about Follow Up and Rejection
You’re expected to follow up after submitting a job application and/or resume or after interviewing. However, relentlessly contacting the recruiter or hiring manager is unprofessional. Be strategic, yet reasonable. For example, if a hiring manager mentions that he/she will make a decision within the next two weeks, and you haven’t heard back after that time period has lapsed, a follow up call is completely acceptable. Be gracious about any feedback that is offered, and respect the employer’s right to decide what is best for the company. Job search rejection is never easy; however, reacting angrily or defensively leaves a negative, lasting impression with a prospective employer.

Be Professional–Online and Off
Most job seekers are conscientious and professional about face-to-face interactions; however, these same people often let their guard down online. Online rants about a current boss or co-worker can become a deal breaker when spotted by a prospective employer.

Do Not String Along a Prospective Employer
Don’t feign interest in a job that you have determined is not a good fit. It is disrespectful and deceitful to lead on a prospective employer just to leverage another negotiating position. Likewise, it is wrong to string a company along while hoping that a better job opportunity will materialize before you have to commit.

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